Virtual Reality: Present and Future
VR: What is is?
Virtual what?
Reality is what can be percieved
Reality can be different for different people
subjective...point of view
simulated reality
History & prehistory
Kruger, Sutherland...Lanier
Current Technology overview
Realities of Virtual Reality.
Graphics..faster computers
Better networks
Current Areas of Active Development
I/O devices
Science Fiction
The computer
VR: The Interface
Direct neural interface
Sci-Fi notions including VR
Descriptions from Snow Crash...Neuromancer.
Yesterday, VR. Today, Nanotech. Still: computers
Just a fad?
Missing Components
Where has there been no progress?
Towards the future
What do you want to do?
Let's envision 2006
Gregory B. Newby ([email protected])
March 21, 1996