LAUNC-CH 1999 Spring Conference

You, Too, Can Create a Web Page

Prof. Gregory Newby

School of Information and Library Science

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


Session Outline

  1. Overview of session goals and expectations
  2. Using a Web browser to capture and download a Web page
  3. Viewing pages on your local computer
  4. Changing a Web page on your computer using HTML codes
  5. Using Netscape Composer to create a new Web page
  6. Uploading a Web page to a Web server
  7. Creating inter-document links


Session goals and expectations

Goal: To understand the fundamental processes in creating Web pages. These include:

Expectations: At the outset, you should have



Using a Web browser to capture and download a Web page, then view it on your computer using Netscape

a. Visit this URL (type it in, or follow from the session outline page):

b. Use Netscape’s "File / Save As" option to save to a file on your computer, such as C:\TEMP\SAMPLE.HTML

c. Open this file with Notepad:

Select: "Start / Run"

Then type: "notepad c:\temp\sample.html"

d. Make some changes to the code (e.g., put in some new text, add your email address, add a different URL)

e. Save the changes: "File / Save" or "File / Save As"

f. View your new changes with Netscape:

Method 1: Type a URL of this form:


Method 2: In Netscape, "File / Open Page" then "Choose File"

g. Continue to make changes, then save and "Reload" to view changes in Netscape


Creating a New Web Page (or editing an existing one) with Netscape Composer

Method 1:

In Netscape, select "Communicator / Composer" to open a new document

Method 2:

In Netscape, find a document you would like to use as a template, then select "File / Edit Page" (this is usually not a great idea for complex documents)

  1. Create your own Web page for a topic of your choosing:
  1. Type in some content. The features are very similar to a word processor such as WordPerfect or Microsoft Word.
  2. Use "File / Save" or "File / Save As" to save your file. Name it uniquely for the next step using your last name. For example, Donald Duck would save the file as "duck.html"



Upload the page to the ILS server

  1. This is only a temporary location! If you want to take your file with you, use a floppy disk or send it by email.
  2. Use the "Publish" button in Netscape Composer (this will actually transfer the file using FTP):

  1. View your page on the server! Use Netscape with a URL like this: (substitute your own filename)


Make Some Changes and Upload Them; Add a Second Page

Try adding a second page and link between the two pages. For example:

  1. Use "New" then "Blank Page" in Composer to create a new file
  2. Put some new content in it.
  3. Save this file as something unique, such as "duck1.html" (if your name is Donald Duck)
  4. Add a link to your first document:
  1. "Publish" both files as before (this will over-write your old version on the server)
  2. Use the Web browser to look at the files. You should be able to link back and forth between them!


Additional Topics Not Covered

There is quite a bit more to creating effective Web sites. Other topics include:

  1. More HTML, such as Cascading Style Sheets, Tables, Frames
  2. Server-side programming, including:
  1. Images and image manipulation (use GIF or JPEG format with the <IMG> tag)
  2. More sophisticated HTML editors, such as Microsoft FrontPage, ColdFusion Studio, and others


How to Gain Skills and Keep Informed

  1. Find a book
  2. Find some good Web sites
  3. Practice!
  4. Use "View Source" often to see how things are done
  5. Create and maintain your own personal pages where you can explore

Some Useful Sites for HTML Development:

  1. (lots of tutorials and reference material)
  2. (debugs your code)
  3. Yahoo’s HTML Beginner’s Guide section