FCC Hearing Notes: March 31, 2003

The FCC held a hearing on media consolidation on Monday March 31 at the Duke University Law School. The agenda for the meeting is online at: http://hraunfoss.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/DOC-232533A1.pdf

Also, there is a public comment facility soliciting input from the public on this and a variety of other issues: http://gullfoss2.fcc.gov/ecfs/Upload/

These are my notes from the hearing. They're fairly detailed, but not at all complete. Errors, bias, omission, etc. are my fault. This is long (600 lines), but it was a full afternoon's presentations. If you're in a rush, read Copps' comments and skip down to Tift Merritt.

* Opening remarks (from 1235 until 1320)

* Panel on Localism and Community Standards (1320pm - 1420pm)

Copps introduced the panel. Each would get some time to present their views, then there would be some Q&A.

* Panel on News (1420 - 1515)

* Panel on Diversity (1520-1610)

* Public Question and Comment Period (1610-1700)

Lots of different opinions, of about 2-3 minutes each. 17 people spoke. For the most part, people had their own take on why there should be no relaxation of rules against media ownership.

Here, for the first time today, we heard from and about print media. People complained about current media, told stories of viewpoints or stories unheard, and expressed feelings of distance from big media.

// Dr. Gregory B. Newby, Assistant Professor in the School of Information
// and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
// CB# 3360 Manning Hall, Chapel Hill, NC, 27599-3360  E: [email protected]
// V: 919-962-8064 F: 919-962-8071  W: http://www.ils.unc.edu/gbnewby/